domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

Exile fleet/La flota del exilio

Aprovechando una visita relámpago a casa la semana pasada, me llevé conmingo unos packs de barcos de Navwar para pintarlos y poder llevármelos a Inglaterra donde espero convencer a alguien que juegue conmigo. La idea era pintar los barcos que participaron en la corta "aventura" del Emden, un crucero alemán que operó en solitario en el Pacífico al principio de la primera guerra mundial, más que nada porque da para dos escenarios con muy pocas unidades y permite probar reglas a ver si nos gustan o no. Aprovechando que CH tenía tiempo quedamos una tarde y lo pintamos todo volando.

Taking advantage of a lightning trip home past week, i took with me some Navwar's ship packs in order to paint them and be able to take them with me to England where I hope to convince someone to play with me. The idea was to paint the ships which were part of Emden's short "adventure", a german cruiser which acted on its own in the Pacific at the beginning of World War I, mainly because it will provide with two scenarios with very few units per side and it lets us testing rules in order to know if they fit us or not. Taking advantage of CH's had some spare time we met for an afternoon and painted everything in a hurry.

So far so good. I even got to paint the name of the russian cruiser in cyrilic. Now, on to hunt some brittish players.

Creo que no lo hicimos nada mal. Incluso pinté el nombre del crucero ruso en cirílico. Y ahora, a cazar jugadores británicos.

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